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Unitimes 精选 | 中国在区块链项目方面处于世界领先地位;区块链游戏公司与 Formula 1?建立合作关系

2019-04-03 18:32 来源:互联网 编辑:运营003
Unitimes 精选 | 中国在区块链项目方面处于世界领先地位;区块链游戏公司与 Formula 1?建立合作关系


  2019 年 4 月 1 日,以太币交易总额为 2,519,803 ETH ,比前日上升 20.31%;日活跃用户量 200,595,比前日上升 26.04%;新增合约 11,273 个,比前日上升  7.95%;平均交易费用为 12.50 GWEI,比前日下降 19.47%;最活跃合约为 FUS (FUS);通证代币交易总额为 428,690 个,比前日下降 6.38%。



  据中国英文新闻网 China.org.cn 于 4 月 2 日报道,中国目前正在进行的区块项目数量居于世界前列。该网站表示,中国共有 263 个区块链相关项目,占全球总量的 25%。区块链平台开发 Qulian Technology 首席技术官李启雷(音译)声称,区块链技术在金融领域的应用最为广泛,尤其是在银行和经纪人的资产证券化方面。去年,世界知识产权组织报告说,大多数与区块链相关的专利申请都来自中国。Thomson Reuters 从国际专利组织收集的数据显示,2017 年 406 项区块链相关专利中,一半以上来自中国:中国申请了 225 项区块链专利,其次是美国(91 项)和澳大利亚(13 项)。

  China Leading World in Blockchain Projects

  China is reportedly leading the world in the number of blockchain projects currently underway in the country, Chinese English-language news daily China.org.cn reports on April 2.  China.org.cn states that there are 263 blockchain-related projects in China, accounting for 25 percent of the global total. Li Qilei, the CTO at blockchain platform developer Qulian Technology, purportedly said that the financial sector is the biggest user of blockchain technology, particularly in asset securitization for banks and brokers.  Last year, the World Intellectual Property Organization reported that most blockchain-related patent filings came from China. Data collected by Thomson Reuters from the international patent organization showed that over half of the 406 patents in 2017 were from China: the country filed 225 Blockchain patents, followed by the U.S. (91), and Australia (13).


  区块链游戏公司 Amioca Brands 与 Formula 1?建立合作关系

  Amioca Brands 与 Formula 1? 成功地建立了合作伙伴关系,开发并发布基于非同质化代币(NFT)的区块链游戏“F1?Delta Time”。NFT 是建立在区块链上的可交易代币。游戏的第一个阶段将于 2019 年 5 月 10 日开始进行。Formula 1? 和 Amioca Brands 之间签署的全球许可协议允许 Amioca Brands 能够开发区块链游戏,该游戏将利用原生品牌名称,如 DHL、劳力士、梅赛德斯、法拉利等。通过许可协议,Amioca Brands 还将能够提供真实的区块链游戏体验。区块链将为用户的游戏增加安全性、隐私性和货币化体验。

  Blockchain Gaming Firm Amioca Brands Establishes Partnership with Formula 1?

  Amioca Brands successfully established a partnership with Formula 1? to develop and publish the Blockchain Game ‘F1? Delta Time’ based on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs are tradable tokens that are built on Blockchain. The first phase of the game is set to be released on 10th May 2019. The Global License Agreement signed between Formula 1?, and Amioca Brands will enable Amioca Brands to develop a blockchain game that would utilize all the original brand names like DHL, Rolex, Mercedes, Ferrari and so on. With the proper licensing agreement Amioca Brands will also be able to provide a real-world blockchain gaming experience. Blockchain would add security, privacy, and monetization to the experience.


  Coincheck 推出比特币的场外交易服务

  日本加密货币交易所 Coincheck 推出了一项面向大型客户的场外(OTC)加密货币交易服务。Coincheck 称,虽然该服务主要服务于比特币交易,但也会考虑使用其他加密货币进行交易。Coincheck 表示,其场外交易平台将允许客户一次性以“有吸引力的价格”快速买入和卖出至少 50 比特币(约为 20 万美元)。该服务在工作日的日本时间上午 10 点(世界标准世界 13 点)到下午 3 点(世界标准世界 18 点)之间可用。在场外交易服务中,买卖双方直接进行交易,这与交易所中买卖双方匹配订单不同。

  Coincheck Launches OTC Trading Service for Bitcoin

  Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck has launched an over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency trading service aimed at larger clients, the firm said Monday. While the service seem primarily to serve bitcoin trades, Coincheck said it will consider trades in other cryptocurrencies. Coincheck said its OTC trading desk will allow customers to buy and sell a minimum of 50 bitcoins ($205,423 at press time) “quickly” at one go and at “attractive prices.” The service is available on weekdays between 10 a.m. (13 UTC) and 3 p.m. (18 UTC) Japan time. In an OTC trading service, two parties trade directly with each other, unlike on an exchange where orders are matched between buyers and sellers.



[ 编辑: 运营BX01 ]







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